我們的專業團隊擁有10位全職資深顧問,可面向印度, 尼泊爾,中國, 臺灣, 日本,泰國, 澳大利亞。 我們可以根據客戶的需要量體裁衣,靈活制定服務企劃,典型的合作可以從與SCBC&T "共用辦公室"開始。在這裡,您可以立即開展產品銷售或成立公司,這一方案將逐漸引導並使您的"公司"變成組織機構健全的企業。最後,您可以在 SCBC&T的幫助下在中國尋找合適的經濟開發。我們所追求的目標就是要高效率、低成本地完成您所託付的諮詢項目。專家團隊豐富的多國家、多領域 市場知識和經驗使得我們可以成功協助眾多客戶完成商務計畫。
Our very experienced term of 10 fulltime consultants provides comprehensive consulting services related to India , Nepal , China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and Australia We provide solutions tailored to your needs that range from a simple office-in-office service to the set-up of a complete manufacturing facility. All of our consulting services are aimed to help you achieve your goals rapidly and cost effectively. Take advantage of our extensive market "know how" that we have gained in many years of successful operation